Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy in Suwanee, GA

What is a Sex Therapist?

A sex therapist specializes in helping individuals and couples address sexual concerns, including issues related to sexual function, intimacy, and emotional well-being. Trained to work with a range of challenges, such as sexual trauma, infidelity, differences in desire, and unconsummated marriages, sex therapists collaborate with clients to improve their relationships and sexual health. In many cases, sexual issues can stem from or result in deeper concerns within a relationship or other life stressors. A sex therapist can help you explore and resolve these issues for a healthier and more fulfilling sex life.

What Does a Sex Therapist Treat?

Sex therapy can address a variety of concerns, including:

  • Affair Recovery/Infidelity

  • Delayed Ejaculation

  • Differences in Desire

  • Erectile Dysfunction

  • Lack of Desire, Orgasm, and/or Arousal

  • Low Desire

  • Premature Ejaculation

  • Pain with Sex

  • Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder

  • Porn Addiction

  • Sex and Aging

  • Sexual Addiction

  • Sexual Trauma

  • Unconsummated Marriages

Although sex therapy primarily focuses on sexual issues, it is not limited to them. If there are other personal or relational concerns you’d like to address, your therapist will be happy to help, or refer you to another professional if needed.

Can Sex Therapy Help Me?

If you have concerns about your sexual health or intimacy, sex therapy in Suwanee, GA may be an effective solution. If you're feeling unsatisfied or confused about your sex life, it’s worth exploring therapy with a trained professional. At Paraclete Counseling Center, our skilled sex therapist can help guide you through the process, answer any questions, and support you in a safe and confidential environment.

Being open and honest with your therapist will improve the outcomes of your therapy. It’s important to find a therapist you feel comfortable with.

Talking About Sex Can Be Embarrassing

It’s completely normal to feel uncomfortable discussing personal and intimate matters. While sex is a common topic in media, many people still struggle to talk openly about their sexual difficulties, especially when they’re facing challenges. A sex therapist is trained to handle sensitive and private information with compassion, understanding, and professionalism. Whatever concerns you have, we are here to listen and help.

If This is a Medical Issue, Why Would a Sex Therapist Be Helpful?

While some sexual issues may require medical intervention, such as Erectile Dysfunction (often treated by a urologist or pelvic floor specialist), there are often psychological and emotional factors that need to be addressed. A sex therapist can help identify and treat the non-medical aspects of sexual challenges, such as stress, self-esteem, relationship dynamics, and emotional intimacy.


A man experiencing Erectile Dysfunction after losing his job might be struggling with his sense of identity and masculinity. His spouse may also be impacted, leading to tension and decreased intimacy in the relationship. While medical treatment for Erectile Dysfunction may resolve the physical aspect, therapy can help the couple address the emotional and relational impact of the issue.

Sex and Porn Addiction

Although sex addiction and porn addiction are not officially recognized as diagnoses by the American Psychiatric Association, many individuals struggle with controlling their sexual behaviors or pornography consumption. A sex therapist can assist in understanding and recovering from these challenges, often in combination with a 12-step program like Sexaholics Anonymous (SA), Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA), or Celebrate Recovery.

What is a Christian Sex Therapist?

A Christian sex therapist provides the same therapeutic services as a traditional sex therapist, with an emphasis on integrating Christian principles for clients who prefer this approach. For non-Christian clients, the therapy remains secular, focusing on practical sexual health and relationship strategies. For Christian clients, a Biblical perspective on sex can be incorporated, addressing values and spiritual components in your relationship. Clients are always free to choose whether to incorporate this worldview into their therapy, and there is no judgment regardless of your personal beliefs.

Meet Our Sex Therapist on Staff at Paraclete Counseling Center: Corrie

Corrie brings a wealth of experience to her work with sex therapy clients, specializing in addressing a wide range of sexual concerns, including differences in desire, sexual addiction, erectile dysfunction, pain during sex, and premature ejaculation. With training through the American Board for Christian Sex Therapy, she is uniquely qualified to approach these issues from both a Christian and non-Christian perspective, tailoring her approach to meet each client's needs. Whether helping clients rebuild trust, improve intimacy, or navigate difficult sexual challenges, Corrie’s holistic approach ensures that her clients feel heard, supported, and empowered to make meaningful progress in their sexual and relational well-being.

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