Biofeedback Services
In-Person in the Suwanee, Alpharetta & Cumming Area
What is biofeedback?
Biofeedback is a technique that uses different sensors to monitor physical processes that are normally under automatic control of the body. Sensors such as a belt around the waist, finger sensor or electrodes attached to the skin are used to measure these automatic body processes and display them on a computer monitor.
Biofeedback can help measure:
Heart rate
Muscle movement and tension
Skin temperature
Heart rate variability
Brain waves
Biofeedback may be used to treat:
Digestive disorders i.e., irritable bowel syndrome
High blood pressure
Chronic pain
Stress or anxiety
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)
Tension headaches
Raynaud’s disease
What to expect:
An initial assessment will be completed to develop an individualized training plan. During a session, different sensors are utilized depending on the treatment goals. Possible sensors used are a breathing belt, electrodes attached to the skin, blood volume pulse sensor on the finger or a temperature sensor attached to the skin. These sensors are hooked up to a computer that will display the body responses. The biofeedback therapist will teach you how to change your heart rate, breathing, muscle tension or body temperature in order to change the body’s response to stress. You may learn different mental exercises such as visualization, paced breathing exercises or relaxation techniques as a part of your biofeedback training. By measuring often unconscious physiological activities of your body, such as your heart rate, biofeedback allows you to “see” your body’s response to stress. Once your awareness increases, you can learn to change these patterns to reduce physical symptoms and improve your overall health.